Health Dialogues

12 Weird Signs of Liver Damage You Shouldn't Ignore

Learn how to identify early warning signs of liver issues. Here are 12 signs of liver damage you shouldn't ignore.
Pale Stools
When your liver is damaged, it stops properly releasing bile acids, which lightens the color of your stool.
Poor Night Vision
Liver damage can cause a vitamin A deficiency, which can lead to night blindness.
Swollen Right Foot
A swollen right foot can be a sign of liver damage because a swollen liver puts pressure on the portal vein, causing fluid to build up in the legs and feet.
White Eyelid Growths
These growths are small pockets of cholesterol that build up because the liver is not breaking down cholesterol properly.
Right-Sided Pressure
Pain or pressure on the right side of your rib cage, especially after eating, can be a sign of liver damage.
Purple and Red Spots
Liver damage can cause easy bruising and unusual purple or red bumps on the skin.
Cracked Heels
Liver disease can cause your body to use up its vitamin B3 stores, which can lead to cracked heels.
Itchy Skin
A buildup of bile acids under the skin can cause an itchy reaction.
All White or Clubbed Nails
White or clubbed nails can indicate liver damage or another health condition that prevents oxygen from reaching the nail matrix.
Dark Urine
A damaged liver can cause a buildup of bilirubin in the body, which can lead to dark urine.
Yellowed Skin
Jaundice, or yellowed skin, is a sign of serious liver damage.
Spider Veins
Spider veins are caused by damaged blood vessels, which can be a sign of liver damage.
Protect Your Liver! If you notice any of these signs, consult a doctor immediately.