Health Dialogues

8 Strange Signs Your Kidneys Might Be in Trouble

Swelling (Edema)
Swelling in your feet, ankles, hands, or under your eyes could mean your kidneys aren’t filtering fluids properly.
Persistent tiredness could signal kidney issues. Malfunctioning kidneys allow toxins to build up, leaving you drained.
Changes in Urine
Changes in urine frequency, color, or appearance, including blood or foam, might indicate kidney trouble.
Shortness of Breath
Difficulty breathing could result from fluid buildup in your lungs or anemia caused by kidney problems.
Dry and Itchy Skin
Persistent dryness or itching could indicate imbalances in minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
Bad Breath and Metallic Taste
Kidney issues can cause waste buildup, leading to a metallic taste and bad breath.
Trouble Sleeping
Toxins in the blood due to kidney issues can disrupt your sleep. Kidney problems may also be linked to sleep apnea.
High Blood Pressure & Diabetes
High blood pressure and diabetes are both causes and effects of kidney damage. Managing these is critical.
Your kidneys are vital for your overall well-being. Don’t ignore the signs early detection can make all the difference. Stay informed, stay healthy!