Health Dialogues

Is Your Vision at Risk? 7 Early Warning Signs of Glaucoma You Shouldn’t Ignore!

Protect your vision before it’s too late. Here are 7 Early Signs of Glaucoma You Shouldn’t Ignore!
Halos Around Lights
People with glaucoma may notice rainbow-colored circles or halos around lights, particularly at night. This occurs due to corneal edema (swelling) or changes in the optic nerve, affecting how light is perceived.
Blurry or Hazy Vision
As glaucoma progresses, there may be a gradual loss of sharpness and clarity in vision. This symptom often starts with peripheral vision loss and, if untreated, can progress to central vision impairment.
Eye Pain or Pressure
A dull ache or sensation of pressure in or around the eyes can be a warning sign, particularly in acute angle-closure glaucoma. This pressure results from increased intraocular pressure (IOP) damaging the optic nerve.
Redness of the Eyes
Eye redness, especially when accompanied by pain, blurred vision, or light sensitivity, may indicate increased eye pressure or inflammation, both of which can be linked to glaucoma.
Nausea or Vomiting
Sudden onset of severe eye pain accompanied by nausea or vomiting can be a sign of acute angle-closure glaucoma, a medical emergency requiring immediate attention.
Loss of Peripheral Vision
One of the most common early signs of glaucoma is a gradual reduction in side vision. Patients may not notice this until significant damage has occurred, emphasizing the importance of regular eye exams.
Sensitivity to Light
Increased discomfort or pain when exposed to bright lights can indicate eye strain or pressure-related changes in the eye, both of which can be associated with glaucoma.