Health Dialogues

Top 6 Health Tips for this Monsoon Season

Stay Hydrated with Safe Water
The milder weather during the monsoon season makes it easy to forget to drink water. However, staying hydrated is essential throughout this season. Always consume 8-10 glasses of filtered or boiling water daily to keep your body working properly. Exercise caution and avoid drinking water from unknown sources to lessen the danger of waterborne infections like cholera and typhoid.
Avoid Street Food
It is best to avoid eating hot, steaming street food when it is raining because it is frequently prepared in unsanitary settings. Consuming such foods results in food poisoning and other gastrointestinal problems. Choosing homemade snacks and meals in a clean setting is preferable.
Wear Proper Clothes
Choosing suitable clothing improves your comfort and lowers the chance of infection. Choose loose, lightweight, and breathable fabrics like cotton to enhance skin breathability and quick drying. Avoid wearing wet garments for extended periods to reduce the chances of fungal infections and skin irritation.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Digestive disorders are widespread during the monsoon season due to increased humidity and contamination risk. Consumption of a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals helps to enhance the immune system. Seasonal fruits like apples, pears, and pomegranates, as well as vegetables like bitter gourd and bottle gourd, provide health advantages and help with digestion.
Perform Regular Exercise
Maintaining a regular exercise routine during the monsoon season can be tough, but it is critical to prioritize physical activity to boost the immune system. Indoor activities like yoga, and simple home workouts improve general health and well-being. Even a simple daily exercise regimen considerably enhances both physical and emotional well-being.
Use Mosquito Repellents
During the monsoon season, stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, increasing the risk of diseases like dengue and malaria. Use mosquito repellent, netting, and coils to protect yourself. Make sure there is no stagnant water near your home, and install window screens to keep mosquitoes out.