Fact Check: Can Coconut Husk Extract and Salt Make Toothache Disappear in 1-4 days?

Written By :  Dr. Garima Soni
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr Arvind Chopra
Update: 2024-10-01 12:31 GMT

The post on X claims that coconut Husk Extract and Salt can make toothache disappear in 1-4 days. The claim made by the user is Misleading.


A post on X claims that "coconut Husk extract and salt can make toothache disappear in 1-4 days". In the post by SAFO NYAME HERBAL THERAPEUTICS, the user claims that "For your toothaches, boil coconut husks for 20mins, allow it to cool, add a little salt to 30mls of the cooled coconut husk extract and hold it in your mouth especially the area of affected teeth for 7 mins and spit it out, twice daily. The pains disappear after day 1 to day 4."

The post has 4,048 likes and can be accessed here.

Fact Check

The claim is misleading. Coconut husk and salt may provide some temporary relief to swollen gums, and promote oral wound healing but it cannot treat toothache. While there might be some anecdotal or traditional evidences, this claim is not scientifically backed nor is accepted by the medical field as common practice. The claim over exaggerates the use of this home remedy in toothache 

Exploring toothache and its causes

Toothache or Odontogenic pain refers to pain initiating from the teeth or their supporting structures, the mucosa, gingivae, maxilla, mandible or periodontal membrane.

Toothache can manifest in various forms and typically arises from inflammation of the dental pulp due to tooth decay (dental caries). Other causes include sensitivity of the dentine to cold, sweet, or physical stimuli, apical periodontitis, dental abscesses, post-treatment pain (iatrogenic) following dental procedures, teeth grinding (bruxism), and severe aching pain after dental treatments like root canal therapy or apicectomy.

Different Types of Toothache

Usually, toothache is acute, unilateral and localised within the mouth. When the dental pulp is inflamed pain may be sharp, shooting which is triggered by cold, hot or osmotic stimuli. If the pulpal inflammation progresses to irreversible pulpitis dental pain may become dull, throbbing or poorly localised. A vital tooth with cracks or loose fillings causes sharp, short-duration pain. Additionally, an infected tooth and inflamed periodontium around the root apex result in dull, throbbing pain. Having a dental abscess leads to the rapid onset of spontaneous pain.

Toothache Management

In dental clinical practice, the first step in managing tooth pain is to differentiate between odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain with a detailed history and clinical examination of the oral cavity. The management of odontogenic pain involves alleviating symptoms and, when necessary, promptly referring the patient to a dentist for evaluation, diagnostics, and treatment. Pain relief typically includes the use of analgesics like paracetamol and NSAIDs. Antibiotics should only be prescribed if there are clinical signs of the infection spreading locally or systemically. In case of infection of a root canal system, should be referred for extraction or root canal treatment.

Health benefits of coconut husk and salt

The coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn.) belongs to the Arecaceae family, is native to the coastal areas of Southeast Asia and is a major crop of the Dakshina Kannada region. The coconut fruit comprises an outer epicarp, a mesocarp, and an inner endocarp. The epicarp, which is the outer skin of the fruit, and the mesocarp, which is heavy, fibrous, and tanned when dry, have many industrial uses. The endocarp is the hard dark core.

Coconut shell fibres have a variety of traditional uses across different cultures. In Brazil, extracts from the husk of Cocos nucifera are used to treat diarrhoea. In Guatemala, the same extracts are employed as an antipyretic, to reduce kidney inflammation, and topically for conditions like dermatitis, abscesses, and injuries. In Haiti, an aqueous extract from the husk is used for asthma treatment, while in Jamaica, it is utilized to manage diabetes.

Studies have shown that coconut husk fibres possess certain analgesic properties and are used in Northeastern Brazil's traditional medicine to treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. These fibres also demonstrate anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, antineoplastic, anti-Leishmania, and antimalarial potential.

Salt is the most widely used ingredient on a day-to-day basis. The chemical name of salt is Sodium Chloride and its chemical formula is NaCl (1:1 Ratio of Sodium and Chloride ions). There are a variety of health benefits associated with salt such as aiding the balance of electrolytes and fluids, carrying nutrients into cells, regulating acid-base balance, supporting the transfer of nerve impulses, regulating blood pressure, and secretion of gastric acid.

Can coconut Husk extract and salt disappear toothache in 1-4 days?

Research articles have shown that coconut husk extract and salt have antimicrobial properties, against common oral pathogens, promote oral wound healing, reduce tissue swelling, and have analgesic properties but there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that coconut husk extract and salt can make toothache disappear in 1-4 days.

A study published in the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine has found that the fibrous husk of Cocos nucifera has a significant inhibitory action against common oral pathogens, indicating the presence of highly effective antimicrobial compounds. Therefore, it is proved that its use can contribute to oral health to a great extent.

Additionally, a review article led by E.B.C. Lima et. al. suggests that alcoholic extracts of the coconut husk have shown antimicrobial activity against common oral pathogens.

Yet another study published in PLoS One has found that the application of salt solution as a mouth rinse in conjunction with routine oral care promotes oral wound healing.

A study featured in Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research suggests that a warm saline mouthwash has antibacterial, anti-edema and soothing effects, helps reduce swelling, and promotes the health of oral bacteria. The salt acts as a natural disinfectant and can reduce tissue swelling, making it useful for short-term wound care. However, with long-term use, the acidity of the salt can erode tooth enamel, increasing the risk of wear, chipping, and cavities, though it isn't abrasive to teeth.


The Medical dialogues fact check team spoke with Dr Jesu K Joseph, MDS, Prosthodontist, Lecturer, Sanjay Rungta Group of Institutions, Bhilai, C.G, and he explained, "I frequently see patients who come to me with dental pain after trying to relieve it with natural remedies like cloves and other ingredients such as salt. While I acknowledge that saltwater rinses can help reduce gum swelling to some extent, we do not recommend in medical practice the use of coconut husk to cure toothaches. Toothaches usually stem from underlying issues such as deep cavities, dental hypersensitivity, periapical abscesses, apical periodontitis, or tooth fractures. No natural ingredient can truly prevent a toothache unless these root causes are addressed. While these remedies might offer temporary relief, they are not capable of treating the actual problem behind the pain."


Dr. Prithvi Dani, BDS, Dental Surgeon, Dani Dental Care, Kawardha, C.G, added, "Toothache is a symptom that often arises from issues like dental caries, dentinal sensitivity due to enamel erosion, and other conditions, all of which need to be treated in order to resolve the toothache itself. I’ve come across some evidence where coconut husk extract has been used to manage inflammatory conditions, and that could be the reason it’s being linked to toothache relief. While it may provide some relief from the pain to a certain extent, it won’t actually treat the toothache unless the underlying cause is addressed."

Medical Dialogues Final Take

Research has shown that coconut husk extract and salt possess antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties that can benefit oral health, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that they can eliminate toothache in 1-4 days. While these remedies may provide temporary relief and promote oral hygiene, they cannot address the underlying causes of toothache, such as cavities or infections, which require professional dental treatment. Hence the claim that coconut Husk extract and salt can make toothache disappear in 1-4 days is Misleading.

Claim :  Can Coconut Husk Extract and Salt Make Toothache Disappear in 1-4 days?
Claimed By :  X
Fact Check :  Misleading

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