Gastritis and Acid Reflux: Causes, Prevention, and When to See Doctor - Dr Simna L

Update: 2025-03-18 10:15 GMT

Gastritis and acid reflux are two common conditions that affect the stomach and esophagus. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining, while acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus.

Both conditions can cause discomfort, pain, and digestive issues. Bloating and regurgitation are quite common complaints with which people approach Gastroenterologists. Though these are not alarming signs, those who are affected find it extremely uncomfortable, hampering their routine.

The changing pattern of lifestyle including sedentary work, consumption of fast food and beverages, untimely food habits and lack of proper rest all can lead to Gastritis and Acid reflux. In addition, Helicobacter pylori infection also contributes to the same.

Here are ten steps that can be followed to prevent or reduce the problems due to gastritis and acid reflux:

  • Try to take meals regularly, with no skipping of meals. If reflux symptoms predominate, eat smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Avoidance of carbonated drink.
  • Avoid triggering foods. Identify and avoid foods that trigger acid reflux and gastritis, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, chocolate, spicy food, and fatty or fried food.
  • Quit smoking if you have the habit.
  • Try to have meals at least 1-2 hours prior to going to bed.
  • If acid reflux is severe, sleep in an inclined plain. Elevate the head of your bed by 6-8 inches to prevent stomach acid from flowing up into the esophagus while sleeping.
  • Avoid excessive use of painkillers.
  • Regular exercise keeps one’s stomach healthy. Maintain a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the stomach and alleviate symptoms of acid reflux.
  • Manage stress. Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help manage stress, which can exacerbate gastritis and acid reflux.
  • Avoid tight clothing. Wear loose, comfortable clothing to reduce pressure on the stomach.

If symptoms persist despite these lifestyle modifications or if you have any of the warning signs like loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, abdominal pain, anemia, please consult a Gastroenterologist.

The next step would be an Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopic examination with or without lower GI endoscopy according to the clinical assessment. An Ultrasound of abdomen may also be performed if clinically indicated. Usually people get relief by the proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, antacids with or without prokinetics prescribed by the doctor.

Medical Treatments

  1. Over-the-counter antacids neutralize stomach acid and provide quick relief.
  2. Histamine receptor blockers can reduce acid production in the stomach.
  3. Proton pump inhibitors can block the production of stomach acid.
  4. Prokinetics increase the gut motility

When to seek medical attention?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek medical attention:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Vomiting blood or black, tarry stools
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness or a sore throat
  • Wheezing or coughing
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Fever or chills

To prevent gastritis and acid reflux, follow these tips: -

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Avoid trigger food and drinks
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage stress
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption
  • Elevate the head of your bed
  • Avoid lying down after eating

Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or medication. They can help determine the best course of treatment for your specific condition. By making lifestyle changes and seeking medical attention when necessary, you can alleviate symptoms of gastritis and acid reflux, and prevent future occurrences.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are of the author and not of Health Dialogues. The Editorial/Content team of Health Dialogues has not contributed to the writing/editing/packaging of this article.

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