Women’s Health: Transition from Perimenopausal to Menopausal Healthy Ageing - Dr Pradeep V Mahajan

Update: 2024-05-27 10:53 GMT

Perimenopause to menopause is one of the most essential moments in women’s life, which is often wrapped in secret but should require more attention. By definition, this chapter puts an end to reproductive function and starts a new one – hormones swap in level.

Nonetheless, it implies not just the end of menstruation, but also a total acceptance of healthy ageing and the requirement to meet special demands that exist when a person reaches this age. Perimenopause usually starts at the age of 40s, but in some women, it can happen earlier and exist for a few years.

During this time, hormones become uncontrolled, and several symptoms develop, including periods that change from time to time in the duration, heavy flow, and hot flushes. It is a transitional point that can transfer mental and physical feelings in many directions.

Another milestone that is accompanied by new health concern is menopause. Menopause is considered to have occurred if it is medically verified that there have been no periods for 12 months in a row.

Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, women face the deterioration of heart function, loss of bone strength, and more forgetfulness. For this reason, a healthy lifestyle is now essential.

Therefore, regular aware and ongoing healthcare is crucial for transition from perimenopause to menopause and for further ageing. Constant checks on health status and faster problem-solving are facilitated by regular clinical consultations with specific doctors. This also helps to monitor some of the diseases that may become more significant in age, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, or breast cancer.

Exercise and diet also play a huge role in maintaining women’s health during this period of shift. A well-balanced diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D maintains bone health, while regular exercise to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

A controlled weight also results in overall good living and reduced symptoms like hot flashes. In addition, hormonal changes that cause menopause also affect mood. They can lead to mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

Consult mental health providers, seek stress-reduction techniques, keeping in touch with friends and family, and other close relationships can help maintain emotional health during this time of change. Mental health is also a factor in healthy ageing for women.

Thus, embracing the changes that are associated with menopause and ageing might be able to make one more positive toward life. It is an opportunity to re-emphasize the joy of having the life and knowledge that come with growing older, while also focusing on personal satisfaction and self-care throughout the process.

The transitional phase is a demonstration of the significance of the treatment that is designed according to the specific needs of the individual. He states that every woman has a unique experience, and hence each one requires a specific case to realize symptoms regulation and wellbeing improvement.

Their common opinion on the issue of women's health in the cold war is a proof that we need the solution with the many approaches to help women's health during the period of the conflict. Women can experience the perimenopause and menopause with more assurance and energy by being part of different healthcare initiatives, hormonal level management, and a good supervision.

Thus, each woman's life cycle is, to put it bluntly, a sequence of the transition from perimenopause to menopause. Women can create the healthy ageing of a new page and cope with the transitional period with grace and energy by focusing on their mental health, being proactive about their healthcare, living a healthy lifestyle, and accepting the changes that come with ageing.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are of the author and not of Medical Dialogues. The Editorial/Content team of Medical Dialogues has not contributed to the writing/editing/packaging of this article.

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