Comments Policy

Minerva Medical Treatment Pvt Ltd operates Health Dialogues and Medical Dialogues and their respective subdomains, is dedicated to providing our readers with the most current, accurate, and verified medical and health news and information. The site hosts user-generated content, including comments from readers on news stories, features and other items.

We host comments because we want to provide readers with an opportunity to discuss our content and to debate and share issues of professional and public interest.

However, we want to make sure that this happens in a safe and inclusive fashion, so these opportunities are available to as many people as possible.

By using, you agree to post information that is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and is of your personal experience.

Community standards

There are five simple guidelines that we expect all participants in reader comments on to abide by.

1. We acknowledge criticism of the articles we publish, but will not allow misrepresentation of Health Dialogues or personal attacks on our journalists to be published on our website.

2. We welcome debate and dissent, but personal attacks on individuals or on other site users will not be tolerated. If you find yourself involved in a discussion which is becoming increasingly heated, consider walking away from it rather than getting drawn into comments that might breach our guidelines.

3. In line with this, we will not tolerate racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia or contributions that could be interpreted as such. We will also remove any content that others might find offensive or threatening; so please try to keep a reasonable tone.

4. We will consider curtailing conversations that descend into partisanship or generalizations, so please keep it relevant.

5. We expect commercial posters to identify themselves and their interests if they are making points in which they have a commercial interest, and we will remove any posts that are blatantly advertising or spam-like.

6. This site is intended for health professionals, no information on this site should be construed as Medical Advice.

Moderating and removing user generated material

Our moderators consist of our editorial team, who oversees the comments posted on the articles within a span of 48 hours prior posting.

As a general rule, we will remove, rather than edit, comments that breach our community rules, that we think are legally problematic, or that have been complained about or flagged.

We may contact posters by email to explain our decision or to request further details; and we will contact posters if we receive a notice of complaint. The website manager’s decision is final in the removal of any material.

We provide “report” functionality for users who wish to draw our attention to breaches of the community rules, or to issue a notice of complaint. If you spot something problematic, please let us know.

Our moderators consist of our editorial team, who oversees the comments posted on the articles within a span of 48 hours prior posting.

As a general rule, we will remove, rather than edit, comments that breach our community rules, that we think are legally problematic, or that have been complained about or flagged.

We may contact posters by email to explain our decision or to request further details; and we will contact posters if we receive a notice of complaint. The website manager’s decision is final in the removal of any material.

We provide “report” functionality for users who wish to draw our attention to breaches of the community rules, or to issue a notice of complaint. If you spot something problematic, please let us know.

Participants who persistently or willfully ignore the community standards, participation guidelines or terms and conditions will have their posting privileges for reader comments either suspended or withdrawn. Again, the website manager’s decision is final in the suspension or withdrawal of such privileges.


We remind you that any message can be read, used, reproduced and cited by all. You do not have the possibility to erase or edit your own comments. You can Contact Us with your request to edit and remove your comment

In short:

Act with maturity and consideration for other users, and you should have no problems. Help to make this an intelligent place for discussion and it will be.

A useful rule of thumb is – don’t do anything daft.

If you have suggestions or questions about any aspect of community participation on, you can write to with the subject Health Dialogues Information.