Non-Partisanship Policy

At Health Dialogues, our mission is to cut through the complexity of health information, empowering you to make informed choices. We are committed to delivering clear, factual, and jargon-free content, ensuring that all information is accurate and based on reliable science.

Health Dialogues stands for free, fair, transparent as well as independent medical journalism and is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of non-partisanship.

We are committed to providing our readers with accurate and unbiased medical and health news and information, ensuring that our content remains free from political or commercial influences.

● Health Dialogues transparently shares its funding sources and any associations, helping readers trust the independence of our reporting. This transparency is central to our operations and is detailed on our website.

● To safeguard our non-partisanship, each editorial team member signs an agreement that enforces a strict code of conduct and adherence to internal guidelines. This agreement emphasizes our commitment to impartiality and ethical medical journalism.

● We recognize that individual team members may hold personal political beliefs or health-related views. However, it is a mandatory requirement for all our team members to maintain objectivity and independence, free from all bias, when crafting a story. To guarantee that personal biases do not influence the content, each story is subjected to a thorough editorial review and gatekeeping procedure.

● We are committed to ensuring that our audiences can trust us, confident in the knowledge that our editorial choices are free from external influences, including political or commercial pressures.

● We do not monitor the political or medical affiliations of our external expert review team. Our influence over the political activities of these members is limited and our focus is primarily on ensuring that their affiliations do not have any kind of influence of the fairness and unbiasedness of our content

● Health Dialogues specializes in health, medical news, and fact-checking, steering clear of politically charged content. When political figures or entities make health-related claims, we assess these claims solely based on their merits, supported by robust research and expert analysis.

● Our fact-checking and editorial processes involve professionals and certified medical experts. To reduce bias, each article or fact check undergoes a series of checks by various team members, ensuring the final content is balanced and factually accurate before it is published. Please read our fact-check Methodology and Editorial Policy here.

● We are committed to unbiased reporting and do not explicitly promote commercial interests, companies, individuals, or brands in our stories.

● Employees are restricted from engaging in activities that could conflict with our mission, including political campaigning, displaying political symbols, or using company resources for political advocacy. Our policies ensure that personal political activities do not compromise our commitment to non-partisanship

● Don’t concentrate on writing on any one side:

- We ensure that we provide details about our sources transparently, except in cases where a source’s personal security could be compromised.

- When we fact-check stories, we ensure that we explain to our readers how we fact-check. Still, in case they would like to know more, we can be contacted via the Contact Us page.

- We seek non-partisan, publicly available information while writing our stories.

Adhering to these principles reaffirms our dedication to contributing to informed public discourse on health and medical issues, guided by a steadfast commitment to accuracy, transparency, and impartiality.