Fact Check Methodology

Health Dialogues recognizes the significant impact of misinformation and disinformation in the health and medical sectors. To combat this and maintain the highest standards of accuracy and integrity, we have implemented a comprehensive fact-checking policy. This policy details the processes and criteria used by our dedicated fact-checking team, which focuses on addressing medical misinformation, disinformation, and various health-related claims.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to provide our readers with factual, unbiased, and verified information, thereby contributing to informed decision-making and enhancing public understanding of health and medical education.


Our fact-checking unit addresses misinformation and disinformation encompassing:

● Medical and health misinformation

● Medical and health disinformation

● Claims related to treatments, drugs, and vaccines

● Health industry news and policies

● Medical education industry updates and policies in India

Selection of Claims

Our fact-checking process begins with the selection of claims, which are sourced through a variety of channels:

User Requests: Our readers submit claims via our bureau number, fact-checking email, or directly through our social media profiles.

Social Media Monitoring: Our team actively monitors social media platforms for viral medical claims that may influence public health decisions or spread misinformation.

Expert-Driven Topics: Doctors and healthcare professionals associated with Health Dialogues contribute by identifying misleading information circulating within the medical community.

Prioritization of Claims: We prioritize claims based on their virality, potential impact on public health, and the source's credibility. Special attention is given to ensuring a balanced approach to fact-checking, avoiding bias towards any particular viewpoint or area of medicine.

Transparency and Verification: To bolster the authenticity of our work and enable readers to verify information independently, we provide hyperlinks to sources and references within our reports. This practice ensures that our readers can access original, authentic information, facilitating a deeper understanding and enabling them to cross-check the facts themselves.

Readers are invited to submit claims or topics they believe require fact-checking, enhancing the collaborative effort to combat misinformation.

For submissions, feedback, or inquiries related to our fact-checking policy and efforts, please contact our fact-checking unit at factcheck@medicaldialogues.in with the subject Health Dialogues Fact Check or WhatsApp us at +919958004760 or message us on our social media accounts.

Fact-Checking Process

Identification of Claims: We monitor social media, news outlets, user submissions, and other relevant platforms to identify potentially false or misleading claims related to health and medical education.

Prioritization: Claims are prioritized based on potential impact, public interest, and the urgency of the information.

Research and Verification: Our team conducts thorough research, employing methodologies including but not limited to:

● Consulting peer-reviewed journals, official medical guidelines, and health organization reports.

● Interviewing subject matter experts and medical professionals.

● Utilizing digital tools for verifying images, videos, and social media posts.

Evaluation: All findings are critically evaluated for context, relevance, and accuracy before reaching a conclusion.

Transparency: We provide a transparent account of our sources and methodology, allowing readers to understand how conclusions are drawn.

Rating System: Fact-check outcomes are categorized as follows:

● True

● Mostly True

● Half True

● Mostly False

● False

● Misleading

Corrections and Updates

Health Dialogues is committed to accuracy and transparency. We encourage our readers to report any inaccuracies or new developments related to our fact-checks. Upon verification, as per our Correction Policy, we update our content and provide clarifications or corrections as necessary. Please read our Correction Policy here.