How Your Thyroid Affects Weight, Mood, and Energy Levels? - Dr Shrinath P Shetty

Thyroid gland is one of the important endocrine glands of our body which is required for our day today activity. It produces thyroid hormones in the form of T4 and T3 which together regulate our metabolism.
When the gland over functions it is called hypothyroidism and when it over functions it is called hyperthyroidism. Both of these conditions affect our body in multiple but opposite ways. Hence, it is better to understand them so that these disorders are picked up early. The organ systems that are affected are as follows
- Cardiovascular - Increased or decreased heart rate
- Gastrointestinal system - Diarrhoea or constipation
- Weight - Loss or gain
- Neurology - anxiety or depression
- Metabolism - Diabetes
- Women's health - Irregular cycles, infertility
This particular article focuses more on the effects of thyroid on weight, mood and energy Levels
Thyroid & Weight
The food that we consume daily is converted to energy in the form of ATP. Thyroid hormone regulates the way this ATP is utilized in the body
1. Hypothyroidism
In Hypothyroid is metabolism is slowed down, hence there is a tendency to gain weight. The food we eat is preferably stored rather than utilized. Similarly, patients with hypothyroidism have excessive production of substances called glycosaminoglycans - which have a tendency to absorb and retain water in our body.
The latter also explains the reason for weight gain and leg swelling, which is very common in patients with hypothyroidism. Patients with hypothyroidism gain weight despite poor dietary consumption.
The majority of the weight gain in hypothyroidism could be explained by lethargy and a sedentary lifestyle. To summarize, weight gain in hypothyroidism is multifactorial.
2. Hyperthyroidism
In patients with hyperthyroidism, there is a tendency toward increased energy utilization due to increased rate of metabolism. Hence, these patients present with sudden loss of weight as one of the presenting features.
The glycogen storage of the liver is also depleted, causing fasting hypoglycaemia (Low sugars in fasting state). Patients with hyperthyroidism tend to feel hungrier than normal people due to increased metabolism.
However, they are still not able to keep up the weight despite better appetite. This is in contrast to cancer, where weight loss is usually associated with poor appetite.
Sometimes diabetes may also mimic hyperthyroidism in terms of weight loss despite having increased appetite. Hence, it is a good idea to do thyroid function test and diabetes profile in such patients.
Thyroid hormones play a major role in the energy levels of our brain hence disorders thyroid gland has been commonly associated with mood disorders.
1. Hypothyroidism: Patients with hypothyroidism tend to have low mood and depression. Patients with pre-existing depression may not respond well to antidepressants till the hypothyroidism is tackled well.
Sometimes drugs like Lithium used to treat bipolar disorders (Patients who bounce between mania & depression) can lead to mild hypothyroidism, which has to be monitored.
2. Hyperthyroidism: Subjects with hyperthyroidism tend to have symptoms on the opposite side of the spectrum. They tend to be more restless and anxious. They are usually unable to concentrate on any particular subject because of restlessness.
Energy levels
Since thyroid hormone is directly related to maintenance of energy utilizations, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism impact the energy levels of our body-physically and mentally.
1. Hypothyroidism: Because of low levels of T4 and T3 hormones, patients with hypothyroidism tend to have low energy levels (physically and mentally). Mentally it may present as lethargy, increased sleepiness, lack of drive for daily activity, slowness of thought process and depression.
Physically, low energy levels lead to easy fatigue, inability to complete tasks, muscle aches and pain. Some people tend to have muscle cramps.
2. Hyperthyroidism: Because of excess energy levels, patients tend to be restless, unable to concentrate on 1 particular objective and frequently exhibit anxiety. Physically, due to higher energy levels they tend to have palpitations (racing of heart beat) due to increased heart rate, tremors of hands and muscles wasting.
Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect various systems of our body. Their impact on the different systems of the body tend to present in opposite ways, except for a few exceptions.
Many of these patients may not know about their thyroid status. Hence, an early screening for thyroid disorders in case of symptoms mentioned above may lead to timely diagnosis and better quality of life.