Gurgaon: Artemis Hospitals, in collaboration with Pfizer India, has inaugurated a groundbreaking Centre for Adult Vaccination. This innovative facility aims to revolutionize preventive healthcare in India. Through this initiative, the two healthcare leaders seek to tackle the significant issue of high adult mortality due to vaccine-preventable diseases in the country. The center will play a crucial role in addressing this challenge by providing healthcare professionals with vital information about the scientifically proven benefits and the importance of timely adult vaccinations.

In a country where vaccination is often associated only with childhood immunization, the need for adult vaccines is frequently overlooked. The specialized centre at Artemis Hospitals seeks to bridge this gap by providing comprehensive information on the significance of adult vaccinations. By focusing on this often-neglected area, the centre will play a crucial role in enhancing patient care and improving the quality of life for adults across India.

The centre is located within the hospital premises and is designed to be a comprehensive hub where patients can receive all essential knowledge about the significance and need for adult vaccinations. The centre will be equipped with a specialised team of counsellors and doctors to assist patients assess their vaccinations requirements. The team will provide detailed information on the benefits and potential side effects of each vaccine. This will ensure that the patients are thoroughly informed and comfortable with their vaccination decisions.

Dr. Devlina Chakravarty, Managing Director of Artemis Hospitals, remarked, "We are committed to leading in disease prevention and vaccination at Artemis Hospitals. Vaccinations play a crucial role throughout an individual’s lifetime, benefiting vulnerable groups such as those with chronic diseases and the elderly. The establishment of our Vaccination Centre is a significant stride in demonstrating our steadfast commitment to providing high-quality patient care. The centre will serve as a hub of innovation, education, and play a major role in preventive health, thereby decreasing the burden of diseases in the adult population."

Dr. Santosh Taur, Director of Medical Affairs at Pfizer Vaccines, added, “Pfizer is firmly committed to promoting public health and speeding up the vaccination process as a vital and effective strategy to protect the community from infections. Our collaboration with Artemis Hospital reinforces our dedication to preventive health by expanding access to adult vaccinations, ensuring robust protection against prevalent vaccine-preventable diseases, particularly respiratory infections.”

Adult vaccination can provide effective protection against various diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and hepatitis that often lead to severe health complications. By preventing these conditions, vaccines not only reduce healthcare costs but also enhance productivity and overall quality of life.

However, adult vaccination in India faces several challenges. Limited awareness about the necessity of adult vaccinations and accessibility issues often hamper vaccine uptake. Many adults still are unaware of the preventive measures available to them. Cultural misconceptions also lead to the underutilization of these vital health tools.

The Centre for Adult Vaccination by Artemis-Pfizer aims to tackle these issues head-on. The centre will address the gaps in awareness through public education and targeted outreach, providing crucial information and busting myths about vaccines. By offering comprehensive training and resources to healthcare providers, the centre will empower them to effectively educate and counsel patients. This initiative is expected to not only increase vaccination rates but also contribute significantly to improved patient care and a healthier population overall. This in turn will reduce the burden of the medical infrastructure and enhance productivity of the workforce.

Dr. Arun Chowdary Kotaru, Consultant in Respiratory & Sleep Medicine at Artemis Hospitals, emphasized the broader impact of vaccination: "Vaccination is not just about protecting yourself; it's a shield for the community as well. It is a small prick for a big impact on public health. Remember, every vaccinated individual contributes to a healthier world for everyone.”

Through this collaboration, Pfizer and Artemis Hospitals aspire to elevate patient education and counselling, addressing common concerns and highlighting the long-term benefits of vaccination. The centre will serve as a cornerstone in transforming the perception of adult immunization from an optional measure to a crucial component of personal and public health.

This initiative marks a significant stride towards enhancing preventive healthcare in India, aiming to create a robust framework for adult vaccination and ultimately contributing to a healthier, more resilient population.

Nidhi Srivastava
Nidhi Srivastava

Nidhi Srivastava is a dietician. She holds a post-graduate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from MRIIRS. With a profound passion for utilizing nutrition and lifestyle modifications to manage diseases, she is dedicated to advancing the field through rigorous research and fact-checking. Her expertise lies in evidence-based practice, ensuring the highest standards of dietary health and wellness.