Over the last few years, IVF has become a much safer and easier process than it used to be in the past, with almost negligible risks involved. One of the complications of IVF is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), which used to be more common with older stimulation protocols, but nowadays, most clinics have successfully become OHSS-free clinics.

OHSS is an iatrogenic complication that can develop during fertility treatments in women who are undergoing the IVF process. It is caused when the ovaries hyper-respond and produce a larger than expected number of eggs.

This causes the hormone levels to shoot up, which can lead to associated health issues ranging from mild bloating, abdominal pain, and nausea to more severe cases where fluid build-up can occur in the abdomen or chest.

Hence, everyone should be aware of this complication and also understand that not all women will experience the syndrome, but those who do should immediately consult with the medical professionals.

As per a report, approximately 3 to 6% of women who go through IVF treatments can get affected by this syndrome, although severe cases occur in less than 2%.

Patients who are likely to develop OHSS are often advised to focus on taking the adequate amount of rest, proper hydration, and constant monitoring at home or in a hospital set up.

To minimize the risk and to experience a safe and successful fertility journey, individuals need to be aware of the complexity of these syndromes and take precautions after consulting with the healthcare professionals.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

To prevent Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, individuals need to be well hydrated as it helps in regulating the fluid balance of a human body. A study has shown that mild dehydration can affect us both mentally and physically as the human body comprises around 60 – 70% water.

So, patients are advised to keep themselves properly hydrated throughout the treatment. Anyone can reduce the risk of developing this complex health condition by flushing out all the excess hormones through hydration.

Drinking adequate amounts of water also helps in maintaining blood flow of organs which can prevent various health complications associated with OHSS such as microthrombi or formation of blood clots, and strain on the kidneys.

Additionally, individuals can support their overall well-being and minimize the chances of experiencing these severe symptoms by eating healthy, balanced and nutrition rich food.

Careful Monitoring of Hormone Levels

If your fertility specialist finds that your ovaries are hyper-responding, they may advise checking your estrogen hormone levels, especially on the morning before your trigger injection. This helps them decide the further course of action, such as deciding which type of trigger would be safer for you to take.

Protocols that Minimize the Risk of OHSS

For women with a larger number of mature follicles or estradiol levels above a certain cut-off, the fertility specialist will usually advise a GnRH agonist trigger because it reduces the risk of OHSS, as compared to using hCG, which predisposes to a higher risk.

Also, freezing all embryos instead of doing a fresh embryo transfer almost completely eliminates the risk of OHSS. Certain tablets or injections might also be advised after the egg pick-up process to help you heal faster.

Careful monitoring of your recovery process with the help of physical examinations, ultrasound or blood parameters after the egg pick-up may be required to prevent the syndrome from developing in the at-risk cases, or if symptoms & signs of it start to appear.

Effective Communication

In the days after the egg pick-up, be in touch with your clinical team and inform them immediately if you develop untoward symptoms such as abdominal bloating, pain, difficulty passing urine or stools, and breathlessness. With good communication, the requisite steps can be taken in time to assure you have a smooth recovery.

In conclusion, women undergoing fertility treatments can reduce the risk of developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome and increase the chances of a successful outcome by following various strategies. They need to focus on proper hydration, hormone level monitoring, and effective communication with healthcare providers for preventing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are of the author and not of Health Dialogues. The Editorial/Content team of Health Dialogues has not contributed to the writing/editing/packaging of this article.

Dr Sulbha Arora
Dr Sulbha Arora

Dr Sulbha Arora (MBBS, MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), DNB (OBG), Fellowship in Basic & Advanced Assisted Reproductive Techniques (Israel)) is the Clinical Director and Senior Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai having overall 24 years experience and more than 18 years in IVF and Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Her areas of expertise include poor responders, PCOS, fertility preservation, and third-party reproduction. She also serves as a Visiting Consultant in Cameroon, West Africa, and for the Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Group.