hypertension, women, multispecialty, consensus, cardiologists, ultrasound, wellness, cardiovascular, New Delhi, AACIO, dr. h.k. chopra, dr. tiny nair, dr. viveka kumarNew Delhi: The American Association Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO), USA, International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound (ISCU), USA, World Heart Academy, and World Wellness Foundation, in academic partnership with JB Chemical Pharmaceutical Limited, organized the first-ever "Multispecialty National Consensus on Hypertension in Women: New Frontiers (MNC.HTN.W)" at Hotel Taj Mansingh, New Delhi. This day-long event, held from 8 am to 4 pm, marked a significant global milestone.

The main theme of the consensus is to “Enhance Potentials of Clinical Management of Hypertension in Women by Understanding Cardio Renal Metabolic Approach & its Management”.

Dr. H.K. Chopra, Organizing Chairman & National President of the Consensus Meet said that “Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular events and one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. As you are all aware, India is the world capital of Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Attack, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Heart Failure and CKD. The prevalence of Hypertension in India is 35-40% in young adults in urban areas and 15-20% in rural areas. It is 50 % at the age of 50, 60% at the age of 60, 70% at the age of 70, 80% at the age of 80.”

He said that “Uncontrolled Hypertension today is like a Global Tsunami” with enormous catastrophes leading to higher prevalence of hypertension inflicted morbidity and mortality in the form of premature heart attack, brain attack, abdominal attack, leg attack, eye attack and nose attack. Resistant Hypertension to a very large extent is undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and not treated meticulously.”

Dr. Chopra quoted the data from Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Ministry of Health, Government of India and World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of Indians have uncontrolled hypertension and only 10% have controlled hypertension. It is a matter of great concern. 90% of deaths of CVA are due to uncontrolled Hypertension. He said that Control of BP prevents CVA & decreases mortality and morbidity. SEA is No. 1 in uncontrolled hypertension in the world. Metabolic syndrome in women between the age group of 40-60 years in a hospital-based data published in IHJ reported by our group in 2008 had 78% hypertension. 42% of hypertensive individuals are not aware that they are having existing hypertension, published in Indian Heart Journal HJ in 2015. The Rural Population is catching up. There are three important factors responsible for Hypertension: Genetic, Environmental & Regulatory mechanisms including, activation SNS, RAAS, & NPS (SNS activation 62% higher in Indians).

Dr. Chopra said that “Faulty lifestyles are the most important predisposing factors for uncontrolled hypertension.”

Dr. Chopra emphasized that this multispecialty National Consensus Meet on Hypertension in Women will crystalize guidelines for meticulous protocolize management of hypertension in women at primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary level thereby helping to reduce the morbidity and mortality. He also said that there is a strong connection between heart, kidney and metabolic abnormalities. This consensus will focus on preventive strategies thereby having a paradigm shift from illness to wellness.

Dr. Tiny Nair, Trivandrum, Kerala said that “Recent developments in hypertension in women. Hypertensive disease of pregnancy (HDP) comprises of high blood pressure with various life-threatening complications like eclampsia, with bad maternal and fetal outcomes that we try to prevent. But post-delivery such an event is quickly forgotten, and the lady feels fine, and she has no complaints. He also said that such women with HDP tend to develop higher risk of hypertension in later life. New data shows that such women have a much higher chance of developing heart disease (CAD, Heart Failure, Aortic and mitral valve disease) even in the absence of hypertension. Recognition of past HDP as a risk factor in women, beyond the standard risk factor management, might go a long way in management of heart disease in women.”

Dr. Nair said that “Obese and diabetic women have now been detected to have a high resting sympathetic tone, along with an altered RAS system, and frequent obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Proper pharmacotherapy with a RAAS inhibitor with beta blocker and a cPAP might benefit such women enormously.”

Dr. Viveka Kumar, Delhi said that “Resistant Hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that is difficult to control even with multiple medications. It can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management, along with proper medication adherence, are important in managing resistant hypertension. It is essential to work closely with healthcare providers to find the best treatment plan for controlling blood pressure (BP) and reducing the risk of complications.”

Dr. Viveka said that “Addressing resistant hypertension in the Indian population is crucial for better health outcomes. Understanding the unique factors contributing to this condition can lead to more effective treatment strategies. Collaboration between healthcare providers and patients is key in managing resistant hypertension. Early detection and personalized care can make a significant difference in improving the quality of life for individuals with this condition."

Dr. Sarita Rao, Indore said that “Hypertension is known as a silent killer and its symptoms are very minimal if at all. When hypertension is detected it’s already late in the disease and there is risk of target organ damage therefore it’s important to hit early and hit hard to control the blood pressure as 70% or more will require 2 or more drugs to control blood pressure therefore it is better to hit early and hit hard with 2 drugs single pill combination so that we target multiple mechanisms of action for more effective control of blood pressure (BP). Therefore, now the dictum is “Escalate to De Escalate. “

Dr. Arpita Ray Chaudhury Kolkata said that “Hypertension prevalence in India is about 35% and it is on the rise, particularly happening in younger adults with other features of poor metabolic health, obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and diabetes. Younger populations are more likely to suffer from target organ damage, leading to more and more organ failures. She emphasized the awareness about hypertension control is important to prevent all these long terms and short-term complications. CCB like cilnidipine is a potent antihypertensive, well tolerated and kidney and heart friendly. Use of this drug is likely to improve compliance with better long-term outcomes.”

Vikas Khare, Vice President, JBCPL said that “Hypertension care in women is of paramount importance by imparting education on risk factor reduction for hypertension and having a healthy lifestyle. Gender Centric approach may help us to improve hypertension care and comorbidities in women.”

“Tips for Hypertension prevention in women: Reduce obesity, diabetes, CKD, reduce cholesterol, salt restriction, adequate sleep, no smoking, no alcohol, stress management, regular exercise, meditation, avoid fat rich diet, follow your specialist for meticulous management especially during pregnancy, Hit Early and Hit Hard” in a timely manner.” said Dr. Chopra.

“Annual Accolades Ceremony for Women” is the second component of this conference to recognize the doctor women for their immense contribution in the “Advanced Medical Care”. More than 100 eminent doctors from different disciplines will be conferred the “Iconic Award” as a gesture of women empowerment.

Nidhi Srivastava
Nidhi Srivastava

Nidhi Srivastava is a dietician. She holds a post-graduate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from MRIIRS. With a profound passion for utilizing nutrition and lifestyle modifications to manage diseases, she is dedicated to advancing the field through rigorous research and fact-checking. Her expertise lies in evidence-based practice, ensuring the highest standards of dietary health and wellness.